特徴:利点 Ultra-Link chain link locking system:Extremely high retaining of the chain link closure-greater safety and durability of the chain Ultra-Shift chain links:Designed to give better performance to Campagnolo drivetrains(greater durability of the gears and sprockets,maximum efficiency in the transmission of power) Ni-PTFE anti-friction treatment:Reduces friction, makes pedal rotation smooth, silent, and efficient-increases the life of the chain Links made of special steel:Prolongs the life of the chain, reduces wear on gears and sprockets
コンポーネント・パーツ≫ロードバイク用≫チェーン Campagnolo Record(カンパニョーロレコード)
Ultra-Link chain link locking system:Extremely high retaining of the chain link closure-greater safety and durability of the chain
Ultra-Shift chain links:Designed to give better performance to Campagnolo drivetrains(greater durability of the gears and sprockets,maximum efficiency in the transmission of power)
Ni-PTFE anti-friction treatment:Reduces friction, makes pedal rotation smooth, silent, and efficient-increases the life of the chain
Links made of special steel:Prolongs the life of the chain, reduces wear on gears and sprockets