haori Jacket Calico pattern 0056 haori Japanese vintage silk jacket羽織 和装 着物 小紋 帯japanese kimono japanese vintage clothes beauty
商品説明 / Description of item■
This haori has a fan pattern added to the overall chintz pattern. The composition which incorporates ancient Japanese patterns into an exotic atmosphere shows the ingenuity of the craftsman. Of course you can wear it with Japanese clothing but you can also add it to Western clothing without looking out of place. → 全体の更紗文様の中に扇子文様を加えた羽織です。 異国情緒あふれる中に日本古来の文様を取り入れた構図には職人の工夫が感じられます。 和装に着用するのはもちろんですが、洋装に加えてみても違和感なく着こなせます。
・肩幅(両肩横直線) 約cm / Shoulder width (both shoulders horizontal line) about in
・裄(肩頂点~袖先) 約63.0cm / Sleeve length (shoulder apex-sleeve end) about 24.8in
・袖丈 約45.0cm / Sleeve Tip Width about 17.7in
※多少の誤差はご了承下さい / Please acknowledge some errors.
material / 素材
synthetic fibers / 化繊
condition /状態
There are small stains on the back. / 裏に小さなシミがございます。 Please see the diagram in the photo. / 写真の図をご覧ください。
Country of origin / 原産国
important points / 注意事項
Due to the characteristics of the material some shrinkage and twisting may occur due to washing and cleaning. We take the utmost care in photographing the products but depending on the monitor environment at the time of viewing the colors may appear slightly different from the actual products. 素材の特性上、洗濯やクリーニングにより多少の縮みやヨレが生じる場合がございます。 商品撮影には細心の注意を払っておりますが、ご覧の際のモニター環境により、実際の商品と多少色味が異なって見える場合がございます。
Haori is a type of short kimono. For the purpose of protection against the cold and formal wear wear it over long clothes. Haori is said to have originated from "jinhaori " which was worn over armor on the battlefield and has evolved to be worn by men. Since the Edo period it has become common for men such as tradesmen to wear hakama and haori in kimono with a family crest. The black kimono with the family crest as a man"s formal wear continues to the present day such as being worn by the groom at a wedding ceremony. Men"s haori is worn in addition to formal wear.
Women began to wear it after the Meiji era. However we do not match the haori with the women"s formal wear. The opportunity for women to wear haori is fashionable and they enjoy wearing haori with casual kimono.
The composition which incorporates ancient Japanese patterns into an exotic atmosphere shows the ingenuity of the craftsman.
Of course you can wear it with Japanese clothing but you can also add it to Western clothing without looking out of place.
/ Length (back collar base-hem) about28.3in
・肩幅(両肩横直線) 約cm
/ Shoulder width (both shoulders horizontal line) about in
・裄(肩頂点~袖先) 約63.0cm
/ Sleeve length (shoulder apex-sleeve end) about 24.8in
・袖丈 約45.0cm
/ Sleeve Tip Width about 17.7in
※多少の誤差はご了承下さい / Please acknowledge some errors.
/ 裏に小さなシミがございます。
Please see the diagram in the photo.
/ 写真の図をご覧ください。
We take the utmost care in photographing the products but depending on the monitor environment at the time of viewing the colors may appear slightly different from the actual products.
【 Haori 羽織 】
Haori is a type of short kimono.
For the purpose of protection against the cold and formal wear wear it over long clothes.
Haori is said to have originated from "jinhaori " which was worn over armor on the battlefield and has evolved to be worn by men.
Since the Edo period it has become common for men such as tradesmen to wear hakama and haori in kimono with a family crest.
The black kimono with the family crest as a man"s formal wear continues to the present day such as being worn by the groom at a wedding ceremony.
Men"s haori is worn in addition to formal wear.
Women began to wear it after the Meiji era.
However we do not match the haori with the women"s formal wear.
The opportunity for women to wear haori is fashionable and they enjoy wearing haori with casual kimono.